So we had a chat with the landlord next door and offered to buy the property should they be in the mood to sell.
Lo and behold! A couple of months later we received the phone call. "We want to sell. Are you interested??" Hell yes!!!! We had to scramble to get the cash together as no-one will give two sixty somethings a bond, but we did it.
The property has a two and a three bed-roomed cottage on it.
So for a year now we have been weeding, tiling, weeding, painting, weeding, planting, weeding, building....and weeding. Finally, the property is starting to take shape.
The wall goes all the way around the property. We are still busy finishing parts of the wall. On the left are three different Leonotis leonorus plants. We have the common orange in the middle.
The two bedroom cottage is called Umsinsi Cottage, named after the beautiful coral trees growing in the garden.