Sunday, 7 June 2015

Some things I wish I knew before I started a guest house, but they wouldn't have stopped me anyway.

 I had forgotten how much I like to write so it is good to be back. 
So here goes.

Trying to decide which post to write, out of all the ones I have swirling around in my head,
is like trying to decide which tomatoes seeds to buy from the heirloom seed catalogue: Near Impossible. 

So here are my 8 things I wish I knew 3 years ago, in point form for now, but soon to be
blog posts on their own, so you know what to look forward to for the next few weeks!

1. Getting a guest house up and running from a badly maintained house is hard work.
REALLY hard work.
2. Building always costs twice as much as you thought it would and it takes twice as long.  
3. Many guests have no idea what the differences between a hotel and a guest house are.
4. No, you cannot have your friend stay over if you only paid for a single. Yes, I did notice,
and yes, you really do have to pay extra. No, it does not mean that because you paid for
a single you can bring a friend to share your room for free. You have to pay for the extra
5. Gardening teaches you patience.
6. Not all the 'how to's' on Pinterest work. In fact, most of them don't. Watch this space for
some epic Pinterest fails!
7. The internet is full of misinformation, for example, egg shells do not keep slugs out of
your veggies.
8. No, I do not get bored going to the game park 3 times a week. It is different every time
we go.

 Watch this space! Even better, subscribe using the link above so you never miss a post!

Stay tuned.

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